Gold Medal Software 3
Gold Medal Software - Volume 3 (Gold Medal) (1994).iso
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503 lines
February 22, 1994
Network Modem Program, Second Generation
Network Products Corporation
NMP² Introduction
The NMP² is a high-performance software communication server that allows
the sharing and pooling of MODEMs, serial connections to host computers, or
other asynchronous communication devices on a network.
Virtually any asynchronous serial device can be shared, thus saving the
cost and difficulty of connecting a modem and telephone-line to every
network workstation, or the cost and difficulty of providing a host
connection to each network workstation. When multiple NMP²s are used, or
when a multiport communication server is used, groups of asynchronous
devices can be pooled permitting a user to choose from a group of devices
without the necessity of specifying a particular device.
Network Products Corporation
Network Products Corporation (NPC) pioneered the field of asynchronous
network communication servers. Formed in 1985, NPC is dedicated to
developing products that provide essential connection capabilities between
LANs and other devices.
Network Products Corporation was the original OEM manufacturer and
supplier of Novell's NACS/NASI communication server and Gateway
Communications G-Asynch communication server.
NCSI, an Industry Standard
NCSI (Network Communication Services Interface), pronounced "NEX-see",
is an industry standard terminate & stay resident program (TSR) manufactured
by Network Products Corporation that interfaces the client workstation with
the network communication server.
NCSI provides network users with naming services that allow the pooling
of asynchronous communication resources. NCSI's naming service permits
assigning a descriptive name to a port or group of ports, thus greatly
reducing confusion over a port's function. Additionally a NCSI user can
either choose from a virtual pool of asynchronous devices, or choose a
specific device. Similar devices can be pooled together, letting a user
choose a resource by the type. NCSI can support up to 9 simultaneous
connections on the client workstation allowing the user to run multiple
communication sessions concurrently. NCSI also provides higher data transfer
rates than many other network communication server interfaces. NCSI
supports Novell's NetWare, Banyan Vines, and 100% compatible NetBIOS
networks including Microsoft's Lan Manager, Windows-for-Workgroups, and
IBM's PC Lan.
NCSI is supported by a wide variety of communication application
manufacturers and does not rely on a proprietary Network Products
application for use. A list of supported applications is included in this
archive. For an updated list, contact the NPC BBS at the number given
NCSI provides the application designer with a standard interface for
network asynchronous communication services. NCSI also supplies the
application designer with primitives that allow server port parameters to be
changed from within the application.
Shareware NMP²
The NMP² is shareware. If you use it regularly you should register it.
NPC and it's resellers have marketed the NMP² quite successfully for five
years at $195! Shareware enables us to cut our marketing costs and increase
our production, allowing us to offer the NMP² for only $49! Registered users
get a professionally printed manual, the latest production software including
software to run the NMP² as a dedicated or a non-dedicated server, and
unlimited technical support.
To purchase a copy of the NMP² send a copy of the registration form
along with payment to Network Products Corporation at the address supplied
below. The current retail price of the NMP² is $49.00. A $9.00 shipping
and handling fee applies to all orders within the continental United States.
Our California customers should add sales tax to their orders. A
registration form is at the end of this document and also seperately under
the file name REGISTER.FRM.
The most current copy of the shareware version of the NMP² may be
downloaded from NPC's BBS at (818) 441-6933. The EBBS supports v.32bis.
Set your communication software for 8 data bits, 1 stop bit and no parity.
This shareware copy of the NMP² is fully functional. It is complete and
is not crippled in any way. The only limitation it has, compared to the
commercially-sold version shipping as of the date listed at the top of this
file, is that only one copy may be run on a single network. Registered users
are also supplied with software that runs the NMP² as a dedicated
communication server. When copies are ordered from NPC, multiple NMP²s can
be run on a network allowing virtual modem pools to be established.
Technical support for our shareware is only supplied via our EBBS.
To contact NPC write or phone:
Network Products Corporation
1440 West Colorado Boulevard
Pasadena, California 91105
(voice) 818-441-6504 or (within the U.S.) 800-638-7765
(fax) 818-441-6894
(EBBS) 818-441-6933
A Note About This Document
This document attempts to provide an appropriate level of information to
the user without overwhelming. In general the operation of the NMP² and
associated utilities is quite simple. We encourage you to experiment with the
product. All our major utilities have built-in help, so if stuck try giving
"-h" command-line switch after the utility name at the DOS prompt or pressing
the "f1" key while in the utility. Specific information on some
configurations can be found on the NPC EBBS.
Some text editors do not display the "second generation" designation
after NMP correctly. The ² character is simply a super-scripted numeral 2
as in "squared" or "to the second power."
The NMP² software can either be installed from a local hard drive, a
network drive, or a floppy.
Installing From a Hard Drive or a Network Drive
1. Be sure there is at least 2 megabytes of free space.
2. Create a temporary directory from which to work.
3. Place the NMP2_nnn.EXE file or the NMP2.EXE in this
4. Execute the NMP2.EXE file or the NMP2_nnn.EXE and then the resulting
NMP2.EXE file from within this directory. This will create several
subdirectories and files within the temporary working directory.
5. After unarchiving the NMP2.EXE file, run the INSTALL.EXE file. The
installation program will guide you through the installation.
NOTE: The installation program requires approximately 560K of free
memory to execute. If this is not available, the configuration may not
be complete and it may be necessary to run CCONFIG.EXE after the NMP²
installation to configure the communication server properly.
Installing From a Diskette
1. If installing from a diskette, use a newly formatted high-density floppy.
2. Execute NMP2.EXE and specify the destination drive. Use the syntax
"NMP2 A:" if the A: drive is desired destination drive. The files will
unarchive to diskette.
3. Change to the drive containing the newly created installation files and
type "INSTALL" to start the installation. The installation program
guides you through the installation.
NOTE: The installation program requires approximately 560K of free
memory to execute. If this is not available, the configuration may not
be complete and it may be necessary to run CCONFIG.EXE after the NMP²
installation to configure the communication server properly.
Using The NMP²
Load the workstation interface drivers normally used to access the network
on the machine that will serve as the NMP² communication server. Make sure
there is a modem attached and that it is turned on. Load the NMP² server by
switching to the directory containing the NMP² server software and type:
The server will load in memory and stay resident. Be sure that the user
running the machine hosting the NMP² does not run software that uses the
same COM port that the NMP² is using. Do not load the shareware NMP² server
software on more than one machine on a network.
The NMP² may be removed from memory if it was the last TSR program
loaded. Type the command SERV-REL. This will down the NMP² and remove it
from memory if possible.
NCSI should be loaded on every client workstation that requires access
to the NMP². NCSI should be loaded after loading the workstation interface
drivers normally used to access the network. NCSI is the client workstation
interface component that allows NCSI-compatible applications to use the NMP²
server. NCSI does not need to be loaded on the NMP² server workstation unless
that workstation also requires access to the shared modem. To load NCSI
simply type:
while in the sub-directory containing the NCSI executables.
NCSI is a TSR interface and can be removed from memory by running the
program NCSI-REL. NCSI can be loaded high, but it is best to avoid memory-
optimization programs, as many misinterpret NCSI's memory needs.
NCSI supports several command line switches that enhance and modify
NCSI's operation: Type "NCSI -?" to display a list of available switches.
The syntax is simply NCSI, hyphen, and the command-line switch desired, as
in the above example to display available switches.
Some common switches are:
c disables the NCSI command interpeter; most applications do not use
the NCSI command interpreter, but some like BTTY do; check with
the communication application manufacturer to see if this option
can be used. Disabling the NCSI command interpreter lowers NCSI's
memory requirements.
n Sets NCSI users name. The user name will appear in CCONSOLE when
a client connects to the port.
v# Sets number of virtual circuits. By default NCSI supports up to
nine virtual circuits on one client workstation. With nine virtual
circuits a single user could connect to up to nine communication
ports simultaneously on one client workstation. When using a
single NMP² only one port is available, so this feature cannot be
used. When multiple NMP²s or multiport servers are employed,
certain DOS applications and applications in multi-tasking
environments like Windows or Desqview can access multiple ports
simultaneously. Reducing the number of virtual circuits allowed
when multiple simultaneous connections are not a requirement
lowers NCSI memory requirement.
w Disable Windows check. Allows loading NCSI in a DOS "box" or
"window" when using Microsoft Windows in 386-Enhanced mode.
This is not required when loading NCSI prior to loading Windows.
When loaded in this fashion, NCSI services will not be availble
to Windows applications or to other applications in other DOS
After loading NCSI, load and run your NCSI-compatible application. The
self extracting file that this README.TXT file was in includes a minimal
communications utility named NTERM that is NCSI aware.
The network versions of most major communications applications also offer
support for the NCSI interface. There is also a variety of remote-control
and special-purpose applications that also use the NCSI interface. If your
favorite application is not on the list, contact your software manufacturer
to check availability of a NCSI compatible version. A list of NCSI compatible
applications is included in this package. A copy of the current list is also
available for download from the NPC BBS. Follow the instructions given above
to access the NPC BBS.
NOTE: When using the NMP² and NCSI on NETBIOS and Vines networks you
may not "see" the NMP² from the client workstation until both the NMP²
and NCSI have been running for a minute.
NOTE: When using the NMP² and NCSI on NETBIOS networks, you may need
to increase your NETBIOS network resources. Modify the file that
contains the configuration information for your NetBIOS network. Add
2 to the NAMES parameter, and 13 to both NCBS and Datagrams on the
communication server and the client workstation.
Testing The NMP²
1. Load the NMP² on the workstation with the modem that will serve as the
communication server.
2. Load NCSI on the client workstation that will access the communication
3. Load BTTY and at the NCSI 1:1> prompt type CONNECT [PORT_NAME] where
[PORT_NAME] is the general or specific name on the NMP² server. If the name
was not changed during installation the command would simply be CONNECT PORT.
4. If the connection to the port is successful, BTTY will report it is
connecting to the port and leaving the command interpreter.
5. If a modem is connected to the port type AT and press enter to see if
the modem responds "OK" or "0". If not, try typing ATZ or AT&F. If these
do not work, check that the modem is on, that cabling is good, and that the
NMP² is configured to access the correct COM port. If a device other than
a modem is connected to the serial port, check for a login or other prompt
from the host.
NMP² Named Ports
NCSI searches for available ports by name. Each port on each
communication server has a general name and a specific name. Any specific
port can be used by specifying the specific name in the communication
application accessing the server. When multiple servers or servers with
multiple ports reside on the network, it is possible to simply use a port
that is not in use, without knowing which are availble. When multiple ports
share the same general name, and the general name is specified in the
communication application for use, NCSI will search for an available port
and attach to it. It is possible to establish useful naming conventions such
as "MODEM" and "MINI" to allow users to connect to a generic type of
asynchronous service. Users don't need to know if a certain port is
available, just that they want to use a "MODEM" or access the "MINI."
When configuring the NMP² communication server, either upon installation
or when using CCONFIG, the port names will show in the Asynch Port
Configuration window with the convention GENERAL_NAME:SPECIFIC_NAME.
The NMP² comes with a set of utilities which provide great flexibility in
the use of the NMP². Major utilities provided include extensive on-line help
that should assist with the use of the utility. The primary utilities are:
CCONFIG, which configures the NMP². Run CCONFIG.EXE in the same directory
containing the NMP executables and configuration file.
CCONSOLE, which allows the remote management and configuration of the NMP²
server. The default supervisor password is the word "SUPERVISOR".
NTERM, a limited NCSI-compatible terminal-emulation communication application.
NTERM support VT-100 ANSI terminal emulation and XMODEM transfer protocols.
NMP²/NCSI ports are chosen in NTERM's configuration menu.
CLIST, lists NPC communication servers on the network. CLIST /A will show
server ports on the network, their general and specific names and the status
of the port.
BTTY, a NCSI-compatible teletype emulator. Useful for testing the NMP² server
because of its simplicity. Type HELP at the "NCSI 1:1>" prompt for help.
Hitting the f10 key exits the program.
Using Third-Party Communication Applications
Third-party applications that are NCSI-aware require setup to use the
NMP². Some applications support NCSI in slightly different ways. In general,
choose a NCSI or NASI (Novell's name for NCSI) service instead of a COM port
and specify a service by it's name. For additional information on using
specific applications, refer to your application documentation or contact your
application manufacturer.
NCSI and Windows
To use NCSI with a compatible Windows application, load NCSI prior to
loading Windows. NCSI can be loaded in a DOS session in enhanced-mode Windows
by supplying NCSI with the "-w" command-line switch. If using NCSI-compatible
DOS applications while in Windows, place the VNCSI.386 file located on the
NCSI Program Utilities diskette in the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory and modify
the SYSTEM.INI file so that the "network=" setting under "[386Enh]" section
contains a comma after the last entry and then VNCSI.386.
Windows COMM.DRV Replacement
Many Windows applications that have not specifically been designed to
operate with NCSI can also use the NMP² server. A replacement for the Windows
COMM.DRV is contained in the same subdirectory that contains the NCSI
utilities BTTY, CLIST, etc. NCSI must be loaded before starting Windows.
Copy the current COMM.DRV file in the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory to a safe
location and replace the file with the COMM.DRV supplied. Add a line to the
WIN.INI file in the format:
where "GENERAL_PORT" is the general port name of the NMP² server. If the name
of the port has not been changed, the line would simply be:
Choose any COM port for the application in the application's setup. The port
specified in WIN.INI will be used instead of utilizing that COM port specified
in the application. When using NCSI in this fashion nearly any application,
including many FAX software applications, can share the NMP² server.
Further Information and Assistance
For additional information on using the NMP², you may wish to consider
registering your NMP². Registered users receive unlimited technical
support, a professionally printed manual, and the latest production
software. For information on registering, please contact Network Products.
Limited technical support for non-registered users is supplied through our
EBBS at 818-441-6933; send questions or messages to the EBBS Sysop.
The Network Products Family of Gateways
The NMP² is one of a family of modem sharing and network communications
products available from NPC. Other products include the ACS², a dedicated
communication server offering exceptional performance available in 4, 16 or 32
port versions; the ACS²/SA, a self contained, 2 port, communication server
that requires only a network connection site for operation, available in
ethernet or arcnet for NetWare IPX, Microsoft's Lan Manager, and Windows-for-
Workgroups networks; and the XCS², an X.25 gateway that provides network
workstations access to an X.25 packet-switched network. For more information
about NPC products, call (800) 638-7765 or (818) 441-6504. You may also
contact NPC by fax at (818) 441-6894.
Developing for NCSI
NPC supplies developer's with a developer's kit that includes sample
source-code in C, Basic, & Assembly which can be cut and pasted into the
developer's own application. Technical assistance, co-marketing arrangements,
and other services are also supplied by NPC. Please contact NPC for more
License and Trademark Information
The NMP² name, software, and it's associated files are protected by the
copyright laws of the United States and international copyright treaties.
This software is a shareware version of commercial software available from
Network Products Corporation and it's resellers and may be used only to
determine suitability of the commercial software. You may reproduce and
distribute copies of these files so long as all files including this README
file are distributed together. No fee shall be charged for the copying or
distribution of these files without written consent from Network Products.
You may not receive any payment, commercial benefit, or any consideration for
the reproduction, distribution, or use, either alone or in combination with
any other software or hardware, of this software without written consent from
Network Products Corporation.
NMP², ACS², ACS²/SA, Network Modem Program, Asynchronous Communications
Server, Second Generation, and Asynchronous Communications Server Second
Generation/Stand Alone are trademarks of Network Products Corporation.
NCSI and XCS² are registered trademarks of Network Products Corporation.
IBM, NetWare, Novell, Lan Manager, Microsoft, Windows, Windows-for-Workgroups,
and MS-DOS are trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business
Machines Corporation, Novell, Inc., and Microsoft Corporation.
All other names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective
NMP² Registration Form
Name _________________________________________________
Address ______________________________________________
City _______________________________ State __________
Zip _____________________ Country ___________________
Qty. Price Total
NMP² _____ @ $49 _____
Includes current production software,
manual and unlimited technical support.
Shipping and Handling _____ @ $9 _____
California residents add 8.25% sales tax _____ @ $4.04 _____
Total Enclosed $ _______
Send a copy of this order form along with appropriate payment to:
Network Products Corporation
1440 West Colorado Boulevard
Pasadena, California 91105